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The Be Seen, Heard & Safe Promise

Promise Introduction

We would like to introduce the Be Seen, Heard & Safe Promise.

Every child, every adult, every single victim of abuse has the right to be seen, to be heard and to be safe in society. We ask you to support this vision by making the Be Seen, Heard and Safe Promise.

You can make a personal promise (MY PROMISE) or a promise on behalf of the organisation you lead (OUR PROMISE).

The purpose of the promise is to encourage people to reflect on how experience of abuse can be informed and impacted by the personal characteristics of each victim, including when they consider reaching out for help and support in society, and in doing so work towards a society where all potential victims are seen, heard and safe.

Domestic and sexual abuse can happen to anyone and we can all help to prevent it by promoting and protecting everyone’s human rights.


Domestic and sexual abuse can happen to anyone and we can all help to prevent it by promoting and protecting everyone’s human rights.

Under Human Rights and Equality Law everyone has:

  • The right to life;
  • The right not to be treated in an inhuman and degrading way;
  • The right to physical and psychological integrity; and
  • The right to protection from discrimination.

All Government Departments, Public Authorities, and Members of Legislative Assemblies have a duty to ensure, protect and promote these rights.

Together we can help to make sure everyone is seen, heard and safe.

Under Human Rights and Equality Law

Take Action

Promise Organisations Commit to Take The Following Action:

  • Promote a commitment to protect and serve all victims of abuse.
  • Ensure that all messaging relating to abuse is inclusive and acknowledges that abuse can happen to anyone, irrespective of age, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any form of disability.
  • Provide staff with an understanding and awareness of both:
    • The common challenges and needs that all victims can experience.
    • Challenges and needs that victims can experience relating to their unique circumstances or personal characteristics.
  • Inform staff of their duty not to discriminate against anyone solely on the basis of any perceived or actual protected personal characteristic.
  • Conduct equality and human rights screening exercises for all relevant policies and ensure that any service, action or criteria that directly discriminates against anyone on the basis of a protected characteristic:
    • Can be justified under equality law.
    • Is balanced by action to address any arising adverse impacts.

You can make a personal promise (MY PROMISE), or a promise on behalf of the organisation you lead (OUR PROMISE).

Please record the promise being made and share on your Social Media with the Hash Tag #BeSeenHeardSafe if you also share with us we can put on our Social Media to strengthen the message, and add to our Promise Video Log.

We really hope it will be possible to for you to take this opportunity to show a commitment to protecting the human rights of ALL victims of abuse.

How to make the Be Seen, Heard & Safe Promise

MY Promise

“I promise never to commit, condone, dismiss or remain silent about domestic or sexual abuse against anyone.

Domestic and sexual abuse are serious crimes and can happen to anyone irrespective of age, disability, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.”

“We at [Name of Organisation] promise to help make everyone safe from abuse. We promise to ensure that anyone at risk of, or experiencing abuse will be seen and heard by us.

Domestic and sexual abuse are serious crimes and can happen to anyone irrespective of age, disability, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.”

OUR Promise